E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
Meeting Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2007

spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD ANNUAL JT. BD/DELEGATION LEGIS. MTG. MINUTES

Special Meeting/Workshop

  1. Convene: 2:10 p.m.
  2. Public Comments: Jan Porter
  3. Quality Economic Development Employment and Education in Palm Beach County
    Minutes: Vern Pickup-Crawford, Legislative Liaison, provided Board Members with a synopsis of QE3.

    Committee members discussed Business Development and Workforce Alliance issues.

  4. Preliminary Legislative Recommendations for 2007 (Adopted August 2, 2006)
    Minutes: Dr. Johnson provided a legislative update regarding district enrollment 2002/03-2006/07 (see attachment); inactive students since August 2006 grades pre-K through 12; FY2005 DJJ Referrals; alternative education completion and drop out statistics. Representative Bucher further discussed drop out and alternative education placements with the delegation and School Board.

    Mrs. Burdick requested assistance with local control of the school calendar.

    Ted Deutch discussed the STAR Program and teacher recruitment and retention.

    Dr. Richmond discussed the need to fully fund class size reduction and funding for choice academies.

    Shelly Vana discussed flexibility with career academies to count as core classes; class size reduction; teacher recruitment and retention; current and correct data should be received.

  5. Adjourn: 4:00 p.m.


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